By Jenna Till, DPT
Long-distance travel can be a challenge in the best of circumstances. But if you suffer from back or neck pain, have difficulty sitting for long periods, or have trouble reaching overhead, travel can become a real ordeal.
If you experience these difficulties, you may wonder how you are going to make it through a long flight or car ride. With careful preparation, however, you can reduce your symptoms during travel and maximize your chances for a comfortable journey to see family, friends, or that special place on your bucket list. Here are a few tips:
When traveling by plane
• Travel light.
• Use roller bags and roll them at your side or push them in front of you instead of pulling them behind you.
• Ask for assistance in placing bags in the overhead bin.
• Opt for a backpack instead of a shoulder strap bag as your carry-on.
• Call your airline ahead of time to ask for medical assistance if needed.
• Bring a neck pillow for proper positioning.
• Perform frequent ankle pumps. Slowly point your foot up and down as if you are pressing down and then lifting off the gas pedal. Repeat 10 to 15 times.
• Stay hydrated.
• Stand up and walk around once an hour.
When traveling by car
• Gently stretch prior to your car ride.
• Bring pillows.
• Place a lumbar roll at the small of your back if this provides comfort. If you don’t have a lumbar roll, roll up a small towel and place it horizontally at the smallest part of your back. Sit as far back in the seat as possible.
• Take breaks every 1 to 3 hours to walk and/or stretch at a rest stop.
• Recline your seat to reduce strain on your back.
• Perform ankle pumps in the car. Slowly point your foot up and down as if you are pressing down and then lifting off the gas pedal. Repeat 10 to 15 times.
• Bring ice or heat, if possible, for pain relief.
Now sit back and enjoy the ride. Safe travels!
Jenna Till, DPT, is a physical therapist at Mayfield Brain & Spine.